Altruic Advisors is Proud To Be a B Corp!

We are thrilled to announce that Altruic Advisors, CPAs, is now a Certified B Corporation™!

B Corps™ are a community of for-profit companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. To obtain certification as a B Corp, a company must undergo a rigorous assessment of their performance in the areas of governance, employment, community relations, client engagement, and the environment. After concluding this 15-month certification process with an impressive score of 100.7, Altruic Advisors is proud to join more than 4,000 B Corps around the world in building a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Since 2012, Altruic Advisors has been committed to helping nonprofits create good®. Our CPA firm provides critical financial services to nonprofit organizations in the United States. Altruic Advisors works exclusively with nonprofits, a sector that is often underserved and misunderstood by the for-profit business community. We believe that nonprofit organizations deserve the highest level of quality service, and it’s our mission to serve these organizations effectively and affordably.

Altruic’s certification as a B Corp helps to cement our commitment to nonprofits. We are so proud of this designation, as it ensures our team can stay true to our mission and our company culture to help create good in the world. The requirements to achieve this status are significant, and closely align with our firm’s values. We are thrilled to be part of this positive movement.
— Sarah Taylor, Equity Partner & Nonprofit Accounting Services Advisor

The B Corp Certification is one of the only recognized certifications that is not for a product or service, but for the business as a whole. Like other B Corporations, Altruic Advisors balances purpose and profit in many different ways:

  • We donate more than 20% of our annual profits to charitable causes.

  • Our team members receive paid time off to volunteer in their local communities.

  • We lend financial and non-financial support to a diverse range of nonprofit organizations.

  • Our accounting and auditing engagements are built upon paperless, cloud-based systems to minimize our environmental impact.

Our firm is excited to join the B Corp community and take part in this global business movement towards accountability, transparency, social impact, philanthropy, and good governance. It is a privilege to work with team members who are devoted to serving our nonprofit clients and the causes of the greater nonprofit community.
— Ryan Hagan, Managing Partner & Nonprofit Audit and Accounting Advisor

Altruic Advisors continually works toward the social and environmental benefit of our clients, our employees, and our world. B Corporation Certification requires additional verification every three years to document our sustained positive impact and reaffirm our commitment to people and planet. To learn more about Certified B Corporations and B Lab, please visit